24 results
SDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Applications for CIL Funding
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local authorities to secure funding for local and/or strategic infrastructure projects to support development. This is a standard charge paid by developers on a per square metre basis of qualifying new development. Further information on CIL can be found on our website . The CIL Spending Board is a Member-led panel who allocate CIL contributions to local and/or strategic infrastructure projects across the District. This could be... MoreOpened 11 February 2022 -
Air Quality Action Plan
Air Quality in Sevenoaks District has improved in recent years. We want to build on this success by introducing a new plan to reduce air pollution further. Our role is to monitor the air quality in the District and to draw up a plan to improve air quality. However, we cannot improve air quality on our own. We need to work with partners, such as Kent County Council, that looks after roads, cycle paths and public transport, and residents and businesses to encourage them to use... MoreOpened 24 February 2022 -
Farmstead Drive
Sevenoaks District Council are in the early stages of proposals to provide more parking, regenerate the FTRA Club, the shop and surrounding areas and provide some new homes. MoreOpened 6 April 2022 -
Sevenoaks Urban Area LCWIP
Sevenoaks District Council has commissioned Sustrans to provide a comprehensive Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the Sevenoaks Urban Area. This covers Sevenoaks Town and the surrounding settlements of Dunton Green, Riverhead, Chipstead and Bessels Green. However, we will also be considering links from the surrounding areas into the urban area including Otford, Seal, Kemsing, Ide Hill and Underriver. The plan will detail potential walking and cycling... MoreOpened 4 May 2022 -
SDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Applications for CIL Funding
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local authorities to secure funding for local and/or strategic infrastructure projects to support development. This is a standard charge paid by developers on a per square metre basis of qualifying new development. Further information on CIL can be found on our website . The CIL Spending Board is a Member-led panel who allocate CIL contributions to local and/or strategic infrastructure projects across the District. This could be... MoreOpened 25 July 2022 -
Sevenoaks Town Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Consultation
Sevenoaks Town Council have prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which sets out a vision for the future of the Town and planning policies which, once adopted, will be used to determine planning applications locally. Sevenoaks Town Council formally submitted the Sevenoaks Town Neighbourhood Plan proposal to Sevenoaks District Council on Monday 20th June 2022. In accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the submission... MoreOpened 4 August 2022 -
Plan 2040 Short Survey
Local Plan 2040 We’ve drafted an important part of the new Local Plan. The new Local Plan covers the period up to 2040. As we’re committed to protecting the Green Belt (covering 93% of the District), at this stage, we are not considering any Green Belt release. The new plan proposes most new developments should be constructed within existing built up areas. The plan includes proposals for new homes, protecting business space and... MoreOpened 16 November 2022 -
Plan 2040 Full Survey
Local Plan 2040 We’ve drafted an important part of the new Local Plan. The new Local Plan covers the period up to 2040. As we’re committed to protecting the Green Belt (covering 93% of the District), at this stage, we are not considering any Green Belt release. The new plan proposes most new developments should be constructed within existing built up areas. The plan includes proposals for new homes, protecting business space and... MoreOpened 16 November 2022 -
Farningham Conservation Area Review
Sevenoaks District Council is undertaking a review of Farningham Conservation Area and its appraisal. Conservation area appraisals help Sevenoaks District Council and local communities to preserve the special character of conservation areas. Please see the accompanying Introduction to Conservation Areas for further information about conservation areas and appraisals. This work is part of a rolling programme to review our conservation areas within the District... MoreOpened 16 January 2023 -
Eynsford Conservation Area Review
Sevenoaks District Council is undertaking a review of Eynsford Conservation Area and its appraisal. Conservation area appraisals help Sevenoaks District Council and local communities to preserve the special character of conservation areas. Please see the accompanying Introduction to Conservation Areas for further information about conservation areas and appraisals. This work is part of a rolling programme to review our conservation areas within the District... MoreOpened 16 January 2023 -
Kemsing Conservation Area Review
Sevenoaks District Council is undertaking a review of Kemsing Conservation Area and its appraisal. Conservation area appraisals help Sevenoaks District Council and local communities to preserve the special character of conservation areas. Please see the accompanying Introduction to Conservation Areas for further information about conservation areas and appraisals. This work is part of a rolling programme to review our conservation areas within the District... MoreOpened 16 January 2023 -
Sevenoaks Town East to West Walking, Wheeling & Cycling Route
We’re working with Kent County Council to deliver a new walking, wheeling and cycling route connecting the east and west of Sevenoaks town. The route will provide a safe, environmentally friendly alternative to the car, helping to improve our health and air quality while cutting our carbon footprint. The route connects many of the town’s schools with the communities they serve, from Riverhead and Amherst Schools in the west with Trinity, Weald of Kent and Tunbridge... MoreOpened 1 June 2023 -
Voluntary Sector Barometer Survey
The Voluntary Sector Forum was established to enable voluntary sector organisations to maximise their potential to benefit Sevenoaks District residents, we know how important the health and sustainability of the sector is. Whilst we have heard a lot about how the cost-of-living crisis has affected individuals and households, we are also keen to learn more about the impact of rising costs on voluntary sector organisations in the Sevenoaks District. MoreOpened 28 June 2023 -
Swanley Urban Area LCWIP
Welcome to your community mapping tool Sevenoaks District Council has commissioned Sustrans to provide a comprehensive Local walking and cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the Swanley Urban Area. This covers Swanley Town and the surrounding areas. The plan will identify a number of walking and cycling routes to encourage residents, commuters and visitors to move more sustainably around the area. The development of the LCWIP includes a review of existing conditions,... MoreOpened 17 July 2023 -
Homes for Ukraine
We are looking to run a Ukrainian information event/s in the Autumn and would like your views on what you would like to see at the event and what would be beneficial to help you settle in the UK. MoreOpened 31 July 2023 -
Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) - The Vine, Sevenoaks
Sevenoaks District Council is considering a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) at The Vine, Sevenoaks, to combat anti-social behaviour. When a Public Space Protection Order is put in place, it gives the Police and the Council the power to issue a warning or a fixed penalty notice for anti-social behaviour. It will also prohibit behaviour which is likely to cause harassment, alarm and distress. This means those causing trouble cannot return to the... MoreOpened 14 August 2023 -
Swanley Urban Area LCWIP - Draft Network
Welcome to your community mapping tool Sevenoaks District Council has commissioned Sustrans to provide a comprehensive Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the Swanley Urban Area. This covers Swanley Town and the surrounding areas. The plan will identify a number of walking and cycling routes to encourage residents, commuters and visitors to move more sustainably around the area. The development of the LCWIP includes a review of existing conditions,... MoreOpened 29 September 2023 -
Plan 2040 - A new Local Plan for Sevenoaks District
The Plan 2040 Regulation 18 Part 2 Consultation has now closed. Thank you to those of you who took part in the consultation. MoreOpened 23 November 2023 -
VAWG (Violence against Women & Girls) - Public Spaces Consultation
Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) is under-reported, yet can be very common and can be all acts of gender-based violence that result in or are likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological, or economic harm or suffering to women, Any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether... MoreOpened 27 November 2023 -
Swanley Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Consultation
Swanley Town Council has prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which sets out a vision for the future of Swanley and planning policies which, once adopted, will be used to determine planning applications locally. Swanley Town Council formally submitted the Swanley Neighbourhood Plan proposal to Sevenoaks District Council on Thursday 2nd November 2023. In accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the submission included... MoreOpened 30 November 2023 -
Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) - London Road, Halstead
Sevenoaks District Council is considering making a Public Spaces Protection Order to address the excessive level of noise, nuisance, annoyance, danger or risk of harm or injury caused by motor vehicles to members of the public at London Road, Halstead, Orpington By Pass Badgers Mount and the M25 Spur Road. MoreOpened 28 December 2023 -
Sevenoaks Town East to West Walking, Wheeling & Cycling Route
Sevenoaks District Council and Kent County Council are working together to deliver a new walking, wheeling and cycling route that connects the east and west of Sevenoaks town, allowing residents to travel by safe and sustainable means as an alternative to using their cars for short journeys. The funding to deliver the route has already been secured, and we have been working on the design of the route, which has been influenced by the consultation undertaken in Summer 2023.... MoreOpened 10 May 2024 -
Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Consultation
Fawkham Parish Council have prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which sets out a vision for the future of the Parish and planning policies which, once made, will be used to determine planning applications locally. Fawkham Parish Council formally submitted the Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan proposal to Sevenoaks District Council on Wednesday 10th April 2024. In accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the submission... MoreOpened 7 June 2024 -
Kemsing Conservation Area Article 4 Direction
As part of the re-appraisal of Kemsing Conservation Area that was adopted in 2023 we proposed an Article 4 direction to bring the development of front boundary treatments and front gardens within Kemsing Conservation Area under planning control because these have been identified in the 2023 Conservation Area Appraisal as being an important part of the character and appearance of the conservation area. This Article 4 direction means that consideration can be given to the impact of the... MoreOpened 10 September 2024
24 results.
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