SDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Applications for CIL Funding

Closes 1 Oct 2025

Section 1- Project Details

Please answer all questions as fully as possible. If you wish to supply additional information and attachments to support your bid, you can add these in "Section 6 - Supporting Information". If any supporting information is submitted for a bid, please ensure these are accessible documents.

5. Scheme Name
6. Description of the Scheme
7. Is this scheme promoted by your organisation in partnership with another organisation(s)?
8. If you answered YES to question 7, please provide the following details:

•    Organisation Name(s)
•    Responsible individuals(s)
•    Signature(s) on behalf of other supporting organisations(s)
•    Details of the Agreements you have in place with your partners. Including the % of money guaranteed for the scheme from each organisation.

9. Is planning permission required for the scheme?
10. If you answered YES to question 9, has this been applied for?

If NO, please explain why?

11. If planning permission has been granted – please give details and a reference number.
12. Please provide details of any other consent required if appropriate (e.g. conservation, Listed Buildings, other Government bodies), including the date it was applied for/granted: