SDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Applications for CIL Funding

Closes 1 Oct 2025

Section 4 - Deliverability

Please answer all questions as fully as possible. If you wish to supply additional information and attachments to support your bid, you can add these in "Section 6 - Supporting Information".  If any supporting information is submitted for a bid, please ensure these are accessible documents.

33. Does your organisation have the legal right to carry out the proposed scheme?

If not, you must attach documentation showing that the statutory provider of this service supports this scheme.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
34. Anticipated start date for delivery of the scheme:
35. Anticipated finish date for the delivery of the scheme:
36. Anticipated date when CIL funding will need to be made available:
37. Does land need to be purchased to facilitate the scheme?

If YES, please provide details:

38. Please provide a consultation plan to let SDC know when they can expect progress reports on the project.
39. Please provide details of the management and timescales of the project.
40. Has consultation been carried out on the scheme or is any planned?

Please provide details (Note - results can be attached separately if necessary)

Please attach consultation document if necessary

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
41. Is a relevant SDC ward member(s) supportive of the scheme?

You may provide the signature of an SDC ward member or an email from them to

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
42. Is the relevant Town/Parish Council supportive of the scheme?

Please provide signature of a Town/Parish Council chairman, clerk or chief executive. (Note: An email from them to would also be sufficient).

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
43. Do you have any other local support for the scheme?

This can be in the form of businesses, community groups etc.

Please provide details of local support. (Note: An email from a relevant party to would also be sufficient)

You may upload any documents demonstrating local support.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB