SDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Applications for CIL Funding

Closes 1 Oct 2025

Section 3 - Funding

Please answer all questions as fully as possible. If you wish to supply additional information and attachments to support your bid, you can add these in "Section 6 - Supporting Information." If any supporting information is submitted for a bid, please ensure these are accessible documents.

21. Total Project Cost:
22. Funding required from CIL:
23. Please identify other funding sources for this project, what contribution they are making and why these can not be used to fund the scheme in its entirety.

Please provide the status of each source of funding for example whether it has been formally agreed, whether it has already been paid, whether it has been agreed in principle, if you are waiting for a decision in regard to the funding, or whether you are investigating the source of funding etc.

24. Is this bid for staged payments?
25. Will staged payments be accepted?
26. Please provide details of anticipated funding requirements and timetable.
27. Has a bid(s) for CIL funding been made to relevant Town and Parish Councils?

If YES, please provide the following details:

  • Details of bid
  • Decision made; and
  • Details of decision
28. If this bid is being made by a Parish or Town Council and no CIL funds have been contributed by them, please provide an explanation for this.
29. Would the scheme be fully funded if the CIL contribution is agreed?
30. Has this scheme already benefited from CIL funding through the CIL Spending Board?

If YES, please provide further justification as to why further CIL funding is required for this project.

31. Has this scheme/land/building already benefited from funding from Sevenoaks District Council?

Note - this can include grants, section 106s, a Community Fund etc.


If YES, please provide further details of amount and the project involved.

32. Has the project, at any stage, benefited from any CIL Exemptions as laid out in the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended)

If YES, please explain why CIL is still required following an exemption.