SDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Applications for CIL Funding

Closes 24 Mar 2025

Section 4 - How has the infrastructure project arisen?

Please answer all questions as fully as possible. If you wish to supply additional information and attachments to support your bid, you can add these in "Section 12 - Supporting Information".  If any supporting information is submitted for a bid, please ensure these are accessible documents.

13. Why is the project needed?
14. Is the project (or need for it) identified in an adopted plan or strategy? E.g. Neighbourhood Plan, public body work programme, Infrastructure Plan etc.
15. If yes, state the relevant plan and/or strategy
16. Does the construction of new homes and other types of development in the local area contribute towards the need for the project?
17. If yes, list the contributing developments
18. How will the project address the infrastructure needs arising from the local area?
19. Is the project identified in the Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) and/or does it reflect the priorities set out in the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS)?