SDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Applications for CIL Funding

Closes 1 Oct 2025

Section 2 - Need for the Scheme

Please answer all questions as fully as possible. If you wish to supply additional information and attachments to support your bid, you can add these in "Section 6 - Supporting Information".  If any supporting information is submitted for a bid, please ensure these are accessible documents.

13. List of projects or development that result in the need for this scheme:
14. How is the scheme related to these developments?

Additional information, such as usage forecasts and existing and alternative capacity assessments, can be attached as an appendix.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
15. Please provide an explanation of the ‘public benefit’ of the scheme proposed for residents in Sevenoaks District, in terms of: Economic
16. Please provide an explanation of the ‘public benefit’ of the scheme proposed for residents in Sevenoaks District, in terms of: Social
17. Please provide an explanation of the ‘public benefit’ of the scheme proposed for residents in Sevenoaks District, in terms of: Environmental
18. Is the need for the scheme identified in any adopted strategy/plan? E.g. Neighbourhood Plan, Work programme of a Statutory Body, Infrastructure Plan. If so, which?
19. How does the scheme identify with the Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) and its priorities?
20. How does this project help the Council achieve its ambition to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions and achieve its Net Zero 2030 target?