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Strategic Planning Mailing List
For updates and further information on Strategic Planning consultations in Sevenoaks District, including the Local Plan, Conservation, Transport and Infrastructure, please join our mailing list using the sign up link below.
Closes 16 February 2030
Open Strategic Planning consultations
SDC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Applications for CIL Funding
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local authorities to secure funding for local and/or strategic infrastructure projects to support development. This is a standard charge paid by...
Eynsford and Farningham Neighbourhood Area - Regulation 6 Consultation
Eynsford Parish Council and Farningham Parish Council have jointly applied to Sevenoaks District Council to designate the two parishes as a Neighbourhood Area. If designated, they will be able to...
Self and Custom Build Register
About the register We have set up a register for people who are interested in the self-build or custom-build houses in Sevenoaks District, in line with our duties according to the Self-build...
Previous Strategic Planning consultations
Kemsing Conservation Area Article 4 Direction
As part of the re-appraisal of Kemsing Conservation Area that was adopted in 2023 we proposed an Article 4 direction to bring the development of front boundary treatments and front gardens within...
Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Consultation
Fawkham Parish Council have prepared a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which sets out a vision for the future of the Parish and planning policies which, once made, will be used to determine planning...
Sevenoaks Town East to West Walking, Wheeling & Cycling Route
Sevenoaks District Council and Kent County Council are working together to deliver a new walking, wheeling and cycling route that connects the east and west of Sevenoaks town, allowing residents to...